AI-Powered Ship Behavior Wins Top Prize at International Naval Engineering Congress

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We are proud to announce that our team won the first prize at the 62nd International Congress of Naval Engineering and Maritime Industry. We want to congratulate our fellow researchers, José Enrique Gutiérrez, Pablo Romero, Antonio José Lorente from the School of Naval and Oceanic Engineering at UPCT, and Borja Serván Camas from the Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria.

The award was for our study “Optimization of seakeeping behavior of fishing ships by artificial neural networks”. In this research, we use artificial intelligence to significantly reduce computation time in predicting ship behavior under various environmental conditions, such as during a storm. José Enrique highlighted that while traditional numerical calculation methods could take days for a single prediction, the team’s algorithms can evaluate millions of alternatives within the same time frame – a huge leap in efficiency!

This approach allows for a detailed analysis of ship behavior at sea, which is crucial for vessel operation. Future work will focus on finding optimal ship designs to enhance both performance and safety based on specific operational metrics.

Award-winning research team

Pictured from left to right: Borja Servan (Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria); José Enrique Guitérrez (UPCT); Pablo Romero (UPCT) and Diego Fernandez Casado (President of the Association of Naval Engineers).

Congratulations to the team, and stay tuned for more research updates!