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Optimization of maritime routes for a more efficient, safer and decarbonized transport
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Daniel Precioso presented our weather routing project in Prototypes for Humanity. Over 2000 solutions were submitted, only 100 were chosen!
We have released the first benchmark for weather routing. Towards comparative research in maritime optimization!
We published a new article, introducing our novel Hybrid Search method to tackle Zermelo’s navigation problem.
A public weather routing demo is now available in our Weather Navigation website.
Today we would like to share with you the article on our weather routing project that was published in Diario EL PAÍS.
Srishti Gupta, an M.Sc. student in Applied Mathematics at the IIT Roorkee, joins our weather routing research team for a three-month internship.
Louis Bu, a mathematician from Dalhousie University and member of the Weather Routing Research team, succeeds at MSCS 2023 with the prestigious Graduate Research Award for his innovative study in maritime transport routing.
The latest version of our research on weather routing using our novel Hybrid Search method has just been updated in ArXiV.
Dr. Elena Fernández Aréizaga’s chapter in ‘International Series in Operations Research & Management Science’ aligns with our goal for sustainable maritime transport.
Our recent visit to Halifax advanced our optimization algorithms and sparked potential synergies with the canadian maritime sector.
Innovative algorithms and machine learning techniques take center stage at the Environmental Monitoring event.
We were recently joined by Dalhousie’s researcher at the IE Tower, where we discussed weather routing.
Rodrigo’s insightful presentation on geometric integration at the FoCM 2023 demonstrates our team’s commitment to computational mathematics.
Calling for collaboration: our mission to create a more sustainable shipping industry.
Revolutionizing marine engineering: our team’s innovative research using artificial intelligence for optimal ship behavior earns acclaim.
Published in Applied Sciences, 2023
This study analyzes the environmental impact of cruise ship emissions in the Western Mediterranean.
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Published in Ingeniería Naval, 2023
This work explores the use of AI for predicting seakeeping behavior.
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Published in Networks, 2023
This research introduces the notion of aggregated gap in graph partitioning, expanding on the traditional gap objectives.
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Published in International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 2023
This chapter delves into discrete facility location problems with inherent uncertainty, emphasizing the service demand governed by a Bernoulli distribution.
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Published in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2024
A novel Hybrid Search algorithm is introduced to address Zermelo’s Navigation Problem, demonstrating improved efficiency and real-world applicability.
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Published in Unpublished, 2024
Work in progress.
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Sebastián Ferraro delves into discrete variational methods, presenting a GPU-optimized parallelization strategy and exploring applications in astrodynamics, like the Zermelo navigation problem.
We present a novel approach to discrete variational equations using parallelization.
Rodrigo T. Sato presents research on using discrete variational methods and parallelization strategies for numerical simulations in mechanical systems.
Pablo Romero-Tello showcased AI-driven seakeeping analysis using Artificial Neural Networks and optimization algorithms.
Daniel Precioso explores the application of mathematics in weather routing, with a focus on the Zermelo Navigation Problem (ZNP).
David Gómez-Ullate provided a comprehensive overview of the potential benefits and existing challenges of weather routing systems for maritime navigation.
Rafael Ballester tackles vessel route planning as an optimization problem using Bézier curves and Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy.