

News - Weather Navigation
News - Weather Navigation

Weather Routing Demo Now Live

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A public weather routing demo is now available in our Weather Navigation website.

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New Article in El País

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Today we would like to share with you the article on our weather routing project that was published in Diario EL PAÍS.

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News - Weather Navigation

Louis Bu Awarded at MSCS 2023

1 minute read


Louis Bu, a mathematician from Dalhousie University and member of the Weather Routing Research team, succeeds at MSCS 2023 with the prestigious Graduate Research Award for his innovative study in maritime transport routing.

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Hybrid Search Paper Published in ArXiV

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The latest version of our research on weather routing using our novel Hybrid Search method has just been updated in ArXiV.

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Celebrating a New Book Chapter Publication

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Dr. Elena Fernández Aréizaga’s chapter in ‘International Series in Operations Research & Management Science’ aligns with our goal for sustainable maritime transport.

News - Weather Navigation

Research Trip to Halifax

less than 1 minute read


Our recent visit to Halifax advanced our optimization algorithms and sparked potential synergies with the canadian maritime sector.

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News - Weather Navigation
News - Weather Navigation
News - Weather Navigation
News - Weather Navigation